Coastal-Marine MPA
Punta Bermeja
Wildlife Reserve

Cover Photo © Fernando Mariño


The Punta Bermeja Faunal Reserve is located on the northern margin of the San Matías Gulf, east of the province of Río Negro. The reserve extends along a front of approximately 14 km of coastline and includes a strip of 500 m wide on the continent and about 1000 m on the sea front. It covers a representative portion of the Monte eco-region, with its associated fauna. It is an important breeding site for the fur seals (Otaria flavescens) and the Patagonian Parrot (Cyanoliseus patagonus). The Punta Bermeja sea lion rookery is one of the most important in Argentina and in recent decades has seen a sustained increase in its population numbers and an increase in the number of pups per year. Its population ranges between 2,000 and 7,500 individuals, depending on the time of year. The census conducted in March 2018 recorded a total of 6011 individuals.

Geographic Location


Río Negro


-41.16° Latitude S

-63.13° Longitude W

Size and Limits

Total Area:


Marine Area:


Continental Area:


Surface area estimated based on the calculation of the area of the polygon represented on the map (ArcGIS PRO) with an Albers Equivalent Conic projection to preserve surface area calculations.

SADS Rio Negro website (2019) reports an area of approx. 21 km2 / APN reports 19 km2 (Read More).
Management Plan defines 6 km2 of land and 15 km2 of sea.

Legal Aspects



Year of Creation


Creation Legislation

Decree 898/71 and Decree 1862/05

Photo © Fernando Mariño
Photo © Hernan Povedano

Eco-regions represented


Argentine Province
North Patagonian Gulfs Ecoregion


Monte Ecoregion of plains and plateaus

Conservation Objectives

Protect coastal area and its biota in the sector where the South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) colony is.

It includes the South American sea lion species (Otaria Flanvens) reproductive colony and a representative portion of the Monte eco-region, with its associated fauna.

Punta Bermeja Wildlife Refuge is one of the most important in Argentina. According to studies carried out in recent decades, it has experienced a sustained increase in its population, and an increase in the number of calvings per year. Its population ranges between 2.000 and 7.500 individuals, depending on the time of the year. Results of the March 2018 census showed a total of 6.011 animals. (rio negro web site).

Conservation values

Permanent sea lion rookery, the most important in the Río Negro marine littoral.

Colonies and stopover sites

The following table presents the colonies or stopover sites of some emblematic species of birds and marine mammals present within the MPA boundaries.


Year of Management Plan approval


Management effectiveness and evaluation year

49 % – METT Evaluation (2014)

Sources of information: Management Plan (2009).
Single fur seal colonies: See Bibliography