Coastal MPA
Playa Larga
Cultural Nature Reserve

Cover Photo © Guillermo Harris


The Playa Larga protected area was established in 1997. It is located east of the city of Ushuaia and includes a coastal strip that includes part of Playa Chica and all of Playa Larga. The sector corresponds to the southern slopes of the Sierras de Sorondo, with discontinuous slopes modeled by glacial action. Within the reserve there is an evergreen forest sector, where the dominant species is the Magellanic coihue (Nothofagus betuloides) associated with the canelo (Drymis winterii) and the notro (Embotrium coccinemum) and herbaceous vegetation near the coastline. Among the fauna, coastal and marine birds stand out. Sightings of the Andean condor (Vultur gryphus) are common in the area. According to the studies carried out, the portion of the coast between the mouth of the Olivia and Remolino rivers is the only preserved sector of Yamana occupation. Among the archaeological remains found in the region, the concheros, mounds formed by the accumulation of mollusk shells from their consumption, stand out. These are extremely fragile sites, exposed to destruction due to lack of knowledge and must be preserved.

Geographic Location


Tierra del Fuego


-54.80° Latitude S

-68.22° Longitude W

Size and Limits

Total Area:


Marine Area:


Continental Area:


Area estimated based on the calculation of the area of the polygon represented on the map (ArcGIS PRO) with an Albers Equivalent Conic projection to preserve area calculations.

APN reports 0.24 km2 (Read More)

Legal Aspects



Year of Creation


Creation Legislation

Provincial Law No. 384

Eco-regions represented



Patagonian Forrests Ecoregion

Conservation Objectives

Purpose: safeguard, and pretect archaeological sites discovered and to be discovered, since they constitute the Cultural Heritage of the province, and therefore a source of information about habits and customs of human settlements on the Beagle Channel coasts.

Within the reserve there is a sector of evergreen forests, where the dominant species is the Magellan Beech (Nothofagus betuloides) associated to the Canelo or Winter’s Bark (Drymis winterii), the Chilean Firetree (Embotrium coccinemum), and herbacious vegetation on the coastline.

Among the fauna, coastal and marine birds are the most important. Sightings of the Andean Condor (Vultur gryphus) are frequent in the area.


Management effectiveness and evaluation year

51 % – METT Evaluation (2014)

Sources consulted:
Creation Law No. 384 (1997)
Padín (2007)

Bird and marine mammal colonies: See Bibliography