Coastal Marine MPA
Bahía Samborombón
Defined Purpose Nature Reserve and Comprehensive Nature Reserve

Cover Photo © Lautaro Rodriguez Astorino


The Samborombón Bay Reserve consists of a terrestrial area, the Integral Natural Reserve, and a marine area, the Defined Objective Natural Reserve. This protected area is part of the natural areas of Samborombón Bay, which are located along the entire bay, from Punta Piedras to Cabo San Antonio. The bay is an extensive intertidal zone, consisting mainly of marshes, brackish marshes and crab beds. It is home to wetlands of great importance for biodiversity, particularly for a large number of migratory bird species. This area is also one of the last refuges for the Pampas deer (Ozotocerus bezoarticus celer) and for the Pampas grasslands.

The flooded areas, marshes and swamps, generically called wetlands, are important habitats and refuges for endangered species that also have a high productivity value. The coastal zone and shallow waters, which have no real and concrete human use, are nevertheless substantial for the functioning of the rest of the bay, since they are a site of maximum productivity and generate resources not only for the reserve itself, but for all the surrounding species, since they are reproduction sites for innumerable marine organisms that are the basis for important economic activities.

Geographic Location


Buenos Aires


-36.00° Latitude S

-57.34° Longitude W

Size and Limits

Total Area:


Marine Area:


Continental Area:


Surface area estimated based on the calculation of the area of the polygon represented on the map (ArcGIS PRO) with an Albers Equivalent Conic projection to preserve surface area calculations.

OPDS reports 222.00 km2 for the RNOD and 102.38 km2 for the RNI (Read More)

Legal Aspects



Year of Creation


Creation Legislation

Provincial Law 12016 creates the Comprehensive Nature Reserve, and as a complement, creates the Defined Purpose Nature Reserve

IUCN Management Category

Defined Purpose Nature Reserve (Marine):


Comprehensive Nature Reserve (Continental):


International recognition

Site on the list of Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar, 1997), ICA (Birdlife International) and Site of International Importance according to WHSRN (2011).

Eco-regions represented


Argentine Province
Río de la Plata Ecoregion


Pampa Ecoregion

Conservation Objectives

This natural area provides refuge to an important variety of endemic species, such as birds, mammals and the characteristic coastal crab.

These wetlands are important as habitats and refuges for threatened species, including the Cinnamon sandpiper and Reddish sandpiper. The area is home to the Pampas deer, an emblematic species at serious risk of extinction. Apart from these environments, we find grasslands and brackish steppes that constitute the very characteristic depressed pampas. This reserve consists of two areas with different management categories.

Conservation values

  • Coastal myxoaline wetland
  • Pampean grasslands
  • Talares
  • Pampas deer
  • Migratory birds

Colonies and stopover sites

The following table presents the colonies or stopover sites of some emblematic species of birds and marine mammals present within the MPA boundaries.


Year of Management Plan approval


Management effectiveness and evaluation year

Not evaluated

Sources of information consulted:
National Ministry of Environment of Sustainable Development (2017).
Management Plan for the Natural Protected Areas of Samborombon Bay.
OPDS Buenos Aires