En esta sección se listan las publicaciones científicas, informes técnicos y documentación oficial utilizados para el relevamiento de información sobre colonias y sitios de uso del grupo seleccionado de especies presentado en este sitio web.
- Petracci, P., Martín, S., Massola, V., Carrizo, M., Scorolli, A., Zalba, S., Valdemar, D. (2010). Actualización sobre el estado del apostadero de lobo marino de un pelo sudamericano (Otaria flavescens) en la Isla Trinidad, estuario de Bahía Blanca, Argentina. Mastozoología Neotropical, 17.
- Schiavini, A.C.M., Crespo, E.A., Szapkievich, V. (2004). Status of the population of South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens Shaw, 1800) in southern Argentina. Mammalian Biology 69, 108–118.
- Dans, S., Crespo, E., Pedraza, S., Koen-Alonso, M. (2011). Recovery of the South American sea lion population in northern Patagonia. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61, 1681–1690.
- Reyes, L.M., Crespo, E.A., Szapkievich, V. (1999). Distribution and Population Size of the Southern Sea Lion (Otaria flavescens) in Central and Southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15, 478–493.
- Grandi, M.F., Dans, S.L., Crespo, E.A. (2015). The recovery process of a population is not always the same: The case of Otaria flavescens. Marine Biology Research 11:225–235.
- Carrara, I.S. (1952). Lobos marinos, pingüinos y guaneras de las costas del litoral marítimo e Islas adyacentes de la República Argentina. Universidad de La Plata, La Plata.
- Thompson, D., Strange, I., Riddy, M., Duck, C.D. (2005). The size and status of the population of southern sea lions Otaria flavescens in the Falkland Islands. Biological Conservation 121, 357–367.
- Milano, V.N., Grandi, M.F., Schiavini, A.C.M., Crespo, Enrique.A. (2020). Sea lions (Otaria flavescens) from the end of the world: insights of a recovery. Polar Biology 43, 695–706.
- Petracci, P., Magnanelli, M., Carrizo, M., Sarria, R., Sotelo, M., Delhey, V., Belenguer, F., Marbán, L., 2020. Censos aéreos de la colonia de lobo marino de un pelo sudamericano (Otaria flavescens Shaw, 1800) de Banco Culebra, Isla de los Riachos, Buenos Aires, Aargentina. Historia Natural 10, 95–106.
- Reyes, L.M., Crespo, E.A., Szapkievich, V. (1999). Distribution and Population Size of the Southern Sea Lion (Otaria flavescens) in Central and Southern Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science 15, 478–493.
- Vilardo, G., Alberto, L. (2014). Estructura poblacional de una colonia de Lobos Marinos de un Pelo (Otaria flavescens).
- Giardino, G., Bastida, J., Mandiola, M.A., Bastida, R., Rodríguez, D. (2017). Estimated population size of two South American sea lion male haulouts from the northern coast of Argentina. Mammalia 81, 197–202.
- Plan de Manejo Área Natural Protegida Caleta de los Loros – Pozo Salado – Punta Mejillón. (2019).
- Carrara, I.S. (1952). Lobos marinos, pingüinos y guaneras de las costas del litoral marítimo e Islas adyacentes de la República Argentina. Universidad de La Plata, La Plata.
- Crespo, E.A., Schiavini, A.C.M., García, N.A., Franco‐Trecu, V., Goodall, R.N.P., Rodríguez, D., Morgante, J.S., Oliveira, L.R. de. (2015). Status, population trend and genetic structure of South American fur seals, Arctocephalus australis, in southwestern Atlantic waters. Marine Mammal Science 31, 866–890.
- Milano, V.N., Grandi, M.F., Schiavini, A.C.M., Crespo, E.A. (2020). Recovery of South American fur seals from Fuegian Archipelago (Argentina). Marine Mammal Science 36, 1022–1032.
- Parera, A., Schiavini, A., Frere, E. (1997). Relevamiento ecológico de la Isla de los Estados. Observaciones sobre su estado de conservación y sugerencias de manejo, Boletín Técnico de la Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina 38. Disponible en https://www.vidasilvestre.org.ar/
- Crespo, E., Lewis, M., Campagna, C. (2007). Mamíferos marinos: pinnípedos y cetáceos. El Mar Argentino y sus recursos pesqueros. INIDEP special publication 5, 127–150.
- Baylis, A.M.M., Orben, R.A., Arkhipkin, A.A., Barton, J., Brownell, R.L., Staniland, I.J., Brickle, P. (2019). Re-evaluating the population size of South American fur seals and conservation implications. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 29, 1988–1995.
- Baylis, A.M.M., Tierney, M., Orben, R.A., Stainland, I., Brickle, P. (2018). Geographic variation in the foraging behaviour of South American fur seals. Marine Ecology Progress Series 596, 233–245.
- Baylis, A.M.M., Tierney, M., Staniland, I.J., Brickle, P. (2018). Habitat use of adult male South American fur seals and a preliminary assessment of spatial overlap with trawl fisheries in the South Atlantic. Mammalian Biology 93, 76–81.
- Thompson, D., Moss, S., Lovell, P. (2003). Foraging behaviour of South American Fur seals Arctocephalus australis: Extracting fine scale foraging behaviour from satellite tracks. Marine Ecology-progress Series – MAR ECOL-PROGR SER 260, 285–296.
- Cardenas, S., Oliveira, L., Crespo, E. (2016). Arctocephalus australis (South American fur seal). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016.
- Laptikhovsky, V. (2009). Oceanographic factors influencing the distribution of South American fur seal, Arctocephalus australis around the Falkland Islands before the breeding season. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 89, 1597–1600.
- Svendsen, G., Dans, S., González, R., Romero, M., Crespo, E. (2013). Occurrence of South American fur seals Arctocephalus australis (Zimmermann, 1783) in San Matías Gulf, Patagonia, Argentina. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research 41, 576–583.
- Bartés, S., Svendsen, G., Romero, M.A., Gonzalez, R. (2020). Decrease in the occurrence of the South American fur seal (Arctocephalus australis) in San Matías Gulf after a sudden episode of reoccupation. Mastozoología neotropical 27, 001–006.
- Dassis, M., Farenga, M., Bastida, R., Rodríguez, D. (2012). At-sea behavior of South American fur seals: Influence of coastal hydrographic conditions and physiological implication. Mammalian Biology 77, 47–52.
- Censo terrestre y posicionamiento de todos los harenes de elefantes marinos de la población de Península Valdés. Datos aportados por Claudio Campagna y Mirtha Lewis (2015).
- Senner, N. (2008). The status and conservation of Hudsonian godwits (Limosa haemastica) during the non-breeding season. Ornitología Neotropical 19, 623–631.
- Harrington, B., Picone, C., Resende, S., Leeuwenberg, F. (1993). Hudsonian Godwit Limosa haemastica migration in southern Argentina. Wader Study Group Bulletin 67, 41–44.
- Lizarralde, Z., Ferrari, S., Pittaluga, S., Albrieu, C. (2010). Seasonal abundance and trophic ecology of the hudsonian godwit (Limosa haemastica) at río gallegos estuary (Patagonia, Argentina). Ornitologia Neotropical 21, 283–294.
- Harris, G., comunicación personal.
- Niles, L., Sitters, H., Dey, A., Atkinson, P., Baker, A., Bennett, K., Carmona, R., Clark, K., Clark, N., Espoz, C., González, P., Harrington, B., Hernández, D.E., Kalasz, K., Lathrop, R.G., Matus, R., Minton, C.D.T., Morrison, R., Peck, M.K., Serrano, I. (2008). Status of the red knot (Calidris canutus rufa) in the western hemisphere. Studies in Avian Biology 1–185.
- Baker, A., Gonzalez, P., Benegas, L., Rice, S., D’Amico, V. (2005). Annual international shorebird expeditions to Rio Grande in Tierra del Fuego 2000-2004. Wader Study Group Bulletin 107, 19–23.
- Guy Morrison, R.I., Kenyon Ross, R., Niles, L.J. (2004). Declines in Wintering Populations of Red Knots in Southern South America. Condor 106, 60–70.
- Musmeci, L.R., Hernández, M. de los Á., Bala, L.O., Scolaro, J.A. (2012). Use of Peninsula Valdes (Patagonia Argentina) by migrating Red Knots (Calidris canutus rufa). Emu – Austral Ornithology 112, 357–362.
- Frere, E., Quintana, F., Gandini, P. (2005). Cormoranes de la costa patagónica: Estado poblacional, ecología y conservación. Hornero 20, 35–52.
- Gandini, P., Frere, E. (1995). Distribución, abundancia y ciclo reproductivo del Cormorán Gris (Phalacrocorax gaimardi) en la costa patagónica, Argentina. Hornero 14, 57–60.
- Millones, A., Gandini, P., Frere, E. (2015). Long-term population trends of the Red-legged Cormorant Phalacrocorax gaimardi on the Argentine coast. Bird Conservation International 25, 234–241.
- Gandini, P., Frere, E., Quintana, F. (2005). Feeding Performance and Foraging Area of the Red-Legged Cormorant. Waterbirds 28, 41–45.
- Albrieu, C., Navarro, J. (1997). Location and population size of cormorant colonies in the Deseado estuary (Santa Cruz, Argentina). Hornero 14, 243–246.
- Gandini, P., Frere, E. (1998). Seabird and shorebird diversity and associated conservation problems in Puerto Deseado, Patagonia, Argentina. Ornitología Neotropical 9: 13-22.
- Yorio, P., Frere, E., Gandini, P., Harris, G. (1998). Atlas de la distribución reproductiva de aves marinas en el litoral patagónico argentino. Fundación Patagonia Natural y Wildlife Conservation Society, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Frere, E., Quintana, F., Gandini, P. (2005). Cormoranes de la costa patagónica: Estado poblacional, ecología y conservación. Hornero 20, 35–52.
- Yorio, P., Frere, E., Gandini, P., Harris, G. (1998). Atlas de la distribución reproductiva de aves marinas en el litoral patagónico argentino. Fundación Patagonia Natural y Wildlife Conservation Society, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Ibarra, C., Marinao, C., Suárez, N., Yorio, P. (2018). Differences between colonies and chick-rearing stages in Imperial Cormorant (Phalacrocorax atriceps) diet composition: implications for trophic studies and monitoring. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 130, 224–234.
- Michalik, A., van Noordwijk, H.J., Brickle, P., Eggers, T., Quillfeldt, P. (2010). The diet of the Imperial Shag Phalacrocorax atriceps at a colony on New Island, Falkland/Malvinas Islands combining different sampling techniques. Polar Biology 33, 1537–1546.
- Falklands.net. King Cormorant. Phalacrocorax atriceps. http://www.falklands.net/BirdGuideKingCormorant.shtml
- Yorio, P., Pozzi, L., Herrera, G., Punta, G., Svagelj, W.S., Quintana, F. (2020). Population trends of Imperial Cormorants (Leucocarbo atriceps) in northern coastal Argentine Patagonia over 26 years. Emu – Austral Ornithology 120, 114–122.
- Gribaudo y del Río. (2015). Relevamiento de aves Reserva Provincial Monte Loayza y Cañadon del Duraznillo – Fundación Hábitat y Desarrollo.
- Plan de Manejo – Parque Nacional Monte León. (2002).
- Raya Rey, A., Rosciano, N., Liljesthröm, M., Sáenz Samaniego, R., Schiavini, A. (2014). Species-specific population trends detected for penguins, gulls and cormorants over 20 years in sub-Antarctic Fuegian Archipelago. Polar Biology 37, 1343–1360.
- Raya Rey, A., datos no publicados.
- BirdLife International (2024) Species factsheet: Chilean Flamingo Phoenicopterus chilensis. Recuperado de https://datazone.birdlife.org/species/factsheet/chilean-flamingo-phoenicopterus-chilensis el 02/08/2024.
- Petracci, P., Belenguer, F., Sotelo, M., Marbán, L., Delhey, K., Fulvio Perez, C. (2020). Nidificación del Flamenco Austral (Phoenicopterus chilensis Molina, 1782) en un ambiente marino-costero de la bahía Anegada, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Historia Natural 10, 107–121.
- Llanos, F.A., Failla, M., García, G.J., Giovine, P.M., Carbajal, M., González, P.M., Barreto, D.P., Quillfeldt, P., Masello, J.F. (2011). Birds from the endangered Monte, the steppes and coastal biomes of the province of Río Negro, northern Patagonia, Argentina. Check List 7, 782–797.
- Plan de Manejo del Área Natural Protegida Punta Tombo. (2007).
- Harris, G., comunicación personal.
- Yorio, P., Petracci, P., Borboroglu, P.G. (2013). Current status of the threatened Olrog’s Gull Larus atlanticus: global population, breeding distribution and threats. Bird Conservation International 23, 477–486.
- Yorio, P., Frere, E., Gandini, P., Harris, G. (1998). Atlas de la distribución reproductiva de aves marinas en el litoral patagónico argentino. Fundación Patagonia Natural y Wildlife Conservation Society, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Suarez, N.M., Marinao, C.J., Kasinsky Aguilera, L.T., Yorio, P.M. (2014). Distribución reproductiva y abundancia de gaviotas y gaviotines en el área natural protegida Bahía San Blas, Buenos Aires. Hornero 29, 29–36.
- Copello, S., Suarez, N., Yorio, P., Ravasi, M.T., PAZ, J., Borboroglu, P., Grilli, M., Favero, M., Seco Pon, J.P. (2020). Distribution of Olrog’s Gull Larus atlanticus from Bahía San Blas during the non-breeding period: signals of partial migration. Bird Conservation International 1–10.
- Yorio, P., Bertellotti, M., Borboroglu, P. (2005). Estado poblacional y de conservación de gaviotas que se reproducen en el litoral marítimo argentino. Hornero 20, 53–74.
- Yorio, P., Quintana, F., Gatto, A., Lisnizer, N., Suárez, N. (2004). Foraging Patterns of Breeding Olrog’s Gull at Golfo San Jorge, Argentina. Waterbirds 27, 193–199.
- Schiavini, A., Yorio, P., Gandini, P., Raya Rey, A., Boersma, P. (2005). Los pingüinos de las costas argentinas: estado poblacional y conservación. Hornero 20.
- Yorio, P., Frere, E., Gandini, P., Harris, G. (1998). Atlas de la distribución reproductiva de aves marinas en el litoral patagónico argentino. Fundación Patagonia Natural y Wildlife Conservation Society, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Borboroglu, P.G., Boersma, P.D. (2015). Penguins: Natural History and Conservation. University of Washington Press.
- Raya Rey, A., Rosciano, N., Liljesthröm, M., Sáenz Samaniego, R., Schiavini, A. (2014). Species-specific population trends detected for penguins, gulls and cormorants over 20 years in sub-Antarctic Fuegian Archipelago. Polar Biology 37, 1343–1360.
- Raya Rey, A., datos sin publicar.
- Barrionuevo, M., Ciancio, J., Steinfurth, A., Frere, E. (2019). Geolocation and stable isotopes indicate habitat segregation between sexes in Magellanic penguins during the winter dispersion. Journal of Avian Biology.
- Bingham, M. (2020). Magellanic penguin (Spheniscidae) monitoring results for Magdalena island (Chile) and cabo Virgenes (Argentina): 2000 – 2019. Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia 48, 27–35.
- Rebstock, G.A., Boersma, P.D., García-Borboroglu, P. (2016). Changes in habitat use and nesting density in a declining seabird colony. Population Ecology 58, 105–119.
- Wilson, R., Scolaro, J., Peters, G., Laurenti, S., Kierspel, M., Gallelli, H., Upton, J. (1995). Foraging areas of Magellanic penguins Spheniscus magellanicus breeding at San Lorenzo, Argentina, during the incubation period. Marine Ecology Progress Series 129, 1–6.
- Pütz, K., Schiavini, A., Rey, A.R., Lüthi, B.H. (2007). Winter migration of magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) from the southernmost distributional range. Marine Biology 152, 1227–1235.
- Stokes, D.L., Boersma, P.D., Lopez de Casenave, J., García-Borboroglu, P. (2014). Conservation of migratory Magellanic penguins requires marine zoning. Biological Conservation 170, 151–161.
- Pütz, K., Ingham, R.J., Smith, J.G. (2000). Satellite tracking of the winter migration of Magellanic Penguins Spheniscus magellanicus breeding in the Falkland Islands. Ibis 142, 614–622.
- Thompson, K.R. (1993). Variation in Magellanic Penguin Sphenicus magellanicus diet in the Falkland Islands. Marine Ornithology 21, 57–67.
- Pütz, K., Ingham, R.J., Smith, J.G., Croxall, J.P. (2001). Population trends, breeding success and diet composition of gentoo Pygoscelis papua, magellanic Spheniscus magellanicus and rockhopper Eudyptes chrysocome penguins in the Falkland Islands. A review. Polar Biology 24, 793–807.
- Pütz, K., Ingham, R.J., Smith, J.G. (2002). Foraging movements of magellanic penguins Spheniscus magellanicus during the breeding season in the Falkland Islands. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 12, 75–87.
- Stokes, D.L., Boersma, P.D., Davis, L.S. (1998). Satellite Tracking of Magellanic Penguin Migration. Condor 100, 376–381.
- Sala, J.E., Wilson, R.P., Frere, E., Quintana, F. (2012). Foraging effort in Magellanic penguins in coastal Patagonia, Argentina. Marine Ecology Progress Series 464, 273–287.
- Boersma, P.D. (2008). Penguins as Marine Sentinels. BioScience 58, 597–607.
- Pozzi, L.M., Borboroglu, P.G., Boersma, P.D., Pascual, M.A. (2015). Population Regulation in Magellanic Penguins: What Determines Changes in Colony Size? PLOS ONE 10, e0119002.
- Yorio, P., Quintana, F., Dell’arciprete, P., González-Zevallos, D. (2010). Spatial overlap between foraging seabirds and trawl fisheries: implications for the effectiveness of a marine protected area at Golfo San Jorge, Argentina. Bird Conservation International 20, 320–334.
- Yamamoto, T., Yoda, K., Blanco, G.S., Quintana, F. (2019). Female-biased stranding in Magellanic penguins. Current Biology 29, R12–R13.
- Raya Rey, A., Bost, C.-A., Schiavini, A., Pütz, K. (2010). Foraging movements of Magellanic Penguins Spheniscus magellanicus in the Beagle Channel, Argentina, related to tide and tidal currents. Journal of Ornithology 151, 933–943.
- Gandini, P., Millones, A., Morgenthaler, A., Frere, E. (2016). Population trends of the Southern Rockhopper Penguin (Eudyptes chrysocome chrysocome) at the northern limit of its breeding range: Isla Pingüino, Santa Cruz, Argentina. Polar Biology 40, 1023–1028.
- Yorio, P., Frere, E., Gandini, P., Harris, G. (1998). Atlas de la distribución reproductiva de aves marinas en el litoral patagónico argentino. Fundación Patagonia Natural y Wildlife Conservation Society, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Schiavini, A. (2000). Staten Island, Tierra del Fuego: The Largest Breeding Ground for Southern Rockhopper Penguins? Waterbirds: The International Journal of Waterbird Biology 23, 286–291.
- Raya Rey, A., Rosciano, N., Liljesthröm, M., Sáenz Samaniego, R., Schiavini, A. (2014). Species-specific population trends detected for penguins, gulls and cormorants over 20 years in sub-Antarctic Fuegian Archipelago. Polar Biology 37, 1343–1360.
- Schiavini, A., Yorio, P., Gandini, P., Raya Rey, A., Boersma, P. (2005). Los pingüinos de las costas argentinas: estado poblacional y conservación. Hornero 20.
- Pütz, K., Raya Rey, A., Schiavini, A., Clausen, A., Lüthi, B. (2006). Winter migration of rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes c. chrysocome) breeding in the Southwest Atlantic: Is utilisation of different foraging areas reflected in opposing population trends? Polar Biology 29, 735–744.
- Clausen, A.P., Huin, N. (2003). Status and Numerical Trends of King, Gentoo, and Rockhopper Penguins Breeding in the Falkland Islands. Waterbirds 26, 389–402.
- Bingham, M. (1998). The distribution, abundance and population trends of gentoo, rockhopper and king penguins in the Falkland Islands. Oryx 32, 223–232.
- Pütz, K., Smith, J.G., Ingham, R.J., Lüthi, B.H. (2002). Winter dispersal of rockhopper penguins Eudyptes chrysocome from the Falkland Islands and its implications for conservation. Marine Ecology Progress Series 240, 273–284.
- Ratcliffe, N., Crofts, S., Brown, R., Baylis, A., Adlard, S., Horswill, C., Venables, H., Taylor, P., Trathan, P., Staniland, I. (2014). Love thy neighbour or opposites attract? Patterns of spatial segregation and association among crested penguin populations during winter. Journal of Biogeography 41, 1183:1192.
- Baylis, A.M.M., Wolfaardt, A.C., Crofts, S., Pistorius, P.A., Ratcliffe, N. (2013). Increasing trend in the number of Southern Rockhopper Penguins (Eudyptes c. chrysocome) breeding at the Falkland Islands. Polar Biology 36, 1007–1018.
- Pütz, K., Harris, S., Ratcliffe, N., Raya Rey, A., Poncet, S., Lüthi, B. (2018). Plasticity in the foraging behavior of male Southern Rockhopper Penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome) during incubation in the Falkland/Malvinas Islands. Polar Biology 41, 1–14.
- Pütz, K., Raya Rey, A., Otley, H. (2013). Southern Rockhopper Penguin, in: Penguins: Natural History and Conservation. pp. 113–129.