Coastal MPA
Arroyo Los Gauchos
Provincial Multiple Use Nature Reserve

Photo © Cintia Celsi


Located in the district of Coronel Dorrego, the Arroyo los Gauchos Natural Reserve is one of the last natural relicts in the contact zone between the temperate coastal grasslands of southwestern Buenos Aires and the marine coast and its dunes, beaches, and sea coast. It has a unique biological diversity, and contributes to the conservation of endangered species such as the Olrog’s gull (Larus atlanticus), the dune lizard (Liolaemus multimaculatus), the Franciscan dolphin (Pontoparia Blainvillei) or the yellow clam (Mesodesma mactroides) on the coast, and the dwarf asparagus (Spartonoica maluroides) and the pampas asparagus (Asthenes hudsoni) in its coastal grasslands.

Geographic Location


Buenos Aires


-38.94° Latitude S

-60.59° Longitude W

Size and Limits

Total Area:


Marine Area:


Continental Area:


Estimated area based on the calculation of the area of the polygon represented on the map (ArcGIS PRO) with an Albers Equivalent Conic projection to preserve area calculations.

OPDS and APN reports 7.07 km2 (OPDS – Read More) (APN – Read More)

Legal Aspects



Year of Creation


Creation Legislation

Provincial Decree 469/11

Eco-regions represented



Pampa Ecoregion

Conservation Objectives

The Coronel Dorrego district has these fragile environments of coastal, dunicultural and grassland areas. What is most remarkable is that it protects endangered and endemic species, such as the Dune Tuco Tuco, Dune lizard, Upland goose, Olrog’s gull, Hudson’s canastero and Bay-capped Wren-Spinetail, as well as the puma, among others. In this environment we also find specimens of Senecio bergii, Baccharis divaricata, Stevia satureiifolia, among others. This ecosystem has one of the most extensive fields of coastal dunes in the country, of great beauty, and supports a large biological diversity, which includes the Dune lizard, a natural emblem of the Province. Coastal area, dunes and grasslands that protects threatened and endemic species such as the Upland goose and the Orlog’s gull, and the Puma among others.


Management effectiveness and evaluation year

Not evaluated

Sources consulted: Calculations of the Buenos Aires Province Protected Areas Agency