© Mónica Torres
The Southern rockhopper penguin (Eudyptes chrysocome) is a highly charismatic species of the Southwestern Atlantic, primarily breeding on subantarctic islands. The northernmost colonies are found in Argentina, on Isla Pingüino in Santa Cruz, and on Isla de los Estados, in Bahía Franklin and San Juan de Salvamento. This penguin is an excellent swimmer, feeding mainly on krill and small fish. In Argentina, it is listed as “Endangered” (MAyDS and AA, 2017), with one of the main threats being climate change, as the species is highly sensitive to environmental fluctuations. Globally, it is categorized as “Vulnerable” (BirdLife International, 2020).
Tablas de estado de especie por año
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CITATION CONSERVATION STATUS (IUCN criteria) Global Vulnerable, 2020 1 Regional – Patagonian Sea Near Threatened, 2016 9 Argentina Endangered, 2015 2 POPULATION SIZE (Breeding pairs) Global 1,250,000 1 Argentina (sin Islas Malvinas) 174,231 2 Isla Malvinas 319,163 1 South Atlantic Islands (South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands) There are no breeding colonies POPULATION TREND Global Decreasing 1 Argentina (sin Islas Malvinas) Increasing in Santa Cruz and decreasing in Isla de los Estados 3 a 8 Isla Malvinas Increasing 1 South Atlantic Islands (South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands) There are no breeding colonies CURRENT SITUATION IN ARGENTINA Total Number of Registered Colonies in Argentina 3 3 a 8 Number of Protected Colonies in Argentina 3 3 a 8, 10 Number of Colonies with Increasing Population Trends 1 3 a 8 Number of Colonies with Decreasing Population Trends 1 3 a 8 Number of Colonies with Stable Population Trends 0 3 a 8 Number of Colonies with Unknown Population Trends 1 3 a 8
Protected areas with the presence of colonies
- Isla Pingüino
- Isla de los Estados y Archipiélago de Año Nuevo
Marine areas of intensive use by the species
- Inmediaciones de Isla Pingüino, Santa Cruz
- Aguas costeras de Tierra del Fuego
- Talud de la plataforma continental de Patagonia
- Pasaje de Drake
- Aguas del frente polar y frente subantártico
- Aguas del banco Burdwood
Protected marine areas within areas of intensive use by the species
- Parque Interjurisdiccional Marino Isla Pingüino
- AMP Yaganes
- AMP Namuncurá – Banco Burdwood I
- AMP Namuncurá – Banco Burdwood II
- BirdLife International. 2020. Eudyptes chrysocome. The IUCN Red List of ThreatenedSpecies 2020: e.T22735250A182762377. https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/22735250/182762377
- Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable y Aves Argentina. (2017). Categorización de las Aves de la Argentina (2015). Informe del Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable de la Nación y de Aves Argentinas, edición electrónica. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Gandini, P., Millones, A., Morgenthaler, A., Frere, E. (2017). Population trends of the Southern Rockhopper Penguin (Eudyptes chrysocome chrysocome) at the northern limit of its breeding range: Isla Pingüino, Santa Cruz, Argentina. Polar Biology 40, 1023–1028.
- Yorio, P., Frere, E., Gandini, P., Harris, G. (1998). Atlas de la distribución reproductiva de aves marinas en el litoral patagónico argentino. Fundación Patagonia Natural y Wildlife Conservation Society, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Schiavini, A. (2000). Staten Island, Tierra del Fuego: The Largest Breeding Ground for Southern Rockhopper Penguins? Waterbirds: The International Journal of Waterbird Biology 23, 286–291.
- Raya Rey, A., Rosciano, N., Liljesthröm, M., Sáenz Samaniego, R., Schiavini, A. (2014). Species-specific population trends detected for penguins, gulls and cormorants over 20 years in sub-Antarctic Fuegian Archipelago. Polar Biology 37, 1343–1360.
- Schiavini, A., Yorio, P., Gandini, P., Raya Rey, A., Boersma, P. (2005). Los pingüinos de las costas argentinas: estado poblacional y conservación. Hornero 20, 5-23.
- Pütz, K., Raya Rey, A., Schiavini, A., Clausen, A., Lüthi, B. (2006). Winter migration of rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes c. chrysocome) breeding in the Southwest Atlantic: Is utilisation of different foraging areas reflected in opposing population trends? Polar Biology 29, 735–744.
- Falabella V., Tamini L., García Borboroglu P., Frere E., Seco Pon J.P., Simeone Cabrera A., Stanworth A., Suazo C., Campagna C. (2019). Informe del Primer Taller Regional de Evaluación del Estado de Conservación de Especies para el Mar Patagónico según criterios de la Lista Roja de UICN: Aves Marinas. Foro para la Conservación del Mar Patagónico y áreas de influencia. http://marpatagonico.org/publicaciones/
- WCS Argentina Database – Marine Program