Coastal MPA
Campos del Tuyú
National Park

Cover Photo © Dario Podesta


Campos del Tuyú National Park is located in the Partido de General Lavalle, province of Buenos Aires, 20 km from the center of San Clemente del Tuyú in the Partido de la Costa. The creation of this National Park was possible thanks to the joint work between Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina, the Government of the Province of Buenos Aires, the Municipality of General Lavalle and the National Parks Administration. The area protects representative samples of the ecosystems present in the eastern sector of the Pampa Depressed Subregion (Pampean Region) with its natural and sociocultural values. In particular, the park protects a sample of temperate grasslands that are the biome with the lowest level of protection globally (0.7% of its surface within a system of areas with some protection status). In addition, the area protected by the park represents one of the last natural refuges for the endangered Pampas deer.

Geographic Location


Buenos Aires


-36.33° Latitude S

-56.88° Longitude W

Size and Limits

Total Area:


Marine Area:


Continental Area:


Area estimated based on the calculation of the area of the polygon represented on the map (ArcGIS PRO) with an Albers Equivalent Conic projection to preserve area calculations.

SIB file (see here)

Legal Aspects



Year of Creation


Creation Legislation

National Law 26.499/09

IUCN Management Category

Marine Area

Continental Area

II Parque Nacional

International recognition

Site on the list of Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar, 1997), ICA (Birdlife International) and Site of International Importance according to WHSRN (2011).

Eco-regions represented



Pampa Ecoregion

Conservation Objectives

Protection of the Pampas Deer and marginal coastal grasslands.

Conservation values

  • Pampas deer
  • Pampean Grassland and Talares de Conchilla Ecosystem
  • Wetlands and associated resources
  • Pre-Hispanic archaeological sites and cultural landscape associated with livestock occupation and navigation.
  • Intangible cultural heritage


Year of Management Plan approval


Management effectiveness and evaluation year

Not evaluated

Sources of information consulted:
Biodiversity Information System (see here).
Management Plan (2018) Bs As / SIB

Seabird colonies: See Bibliography