Coastal-Marine MPA
Bahía Blanca, Bahía Falsa and Bahía Verde
Provincial Multiple Use Nature Reserve

Cover Photo © Pablo Petracci


Located in the southwest of the Province of Buenos Aires, it covers the districts of Villarino, Bahía Blanca and Coronel Rosales.  This reserve contains numerous islands such as Bermejo, Trinidad, Monte, Ariadna, Embudo, Conejo, Garzas and Zuraidas, as well as an important number of creeks and channels until reaching the open sea. It is a very rich environment in native flora and fauna and historical features. In its estuarine environments we find typical vegetation such as jume, glasswort and palo azul. Its most emblematic fauna is represented by the razor clam, whiting, dolphins, guanacos and the Olrog’s gull, in serious danger of extinction. The area preserves a stopover site for migratory birds, coastal ecosystems, and scrubland vegetation.

Geographic Location


Buenos Aires


-39.10° Latitude S

-61.97° Longitude W

Size and Limits

Total Area:


Marine Area:


Continental Area:


Superficie estimada en base al cálculo del área del polígono representado en el mapa (ArcGIS PRO) con una proyección Cónica Equivalente de Albers para preservar cálculos de superficie.

OPDS informa 2600 km2 (Leer Más). APN informa  2543.54 km2 (Leer Más)

Legal Aspects



Year of Creation


Creation Legislation

Provincial Law 011074 (1991)
Provincial Law 12101 (1998)

Photo © Pablo Petracci
Photo © Guillermo Harris

Eco-regions represented


Ecorregión de Plataforma Bonaerense-Uruguaya


Espinal Ecoregion

Conservation Objectives

This area protects stopover sites for migratory birds, coastal ecosystems and Monte vegetation.  Includes a system of islands, streams, and canals reaching the open sea. It is an environment rich in native flora and fauna and historical features. Among the most important protected species are the Olrog´s gull and the Franciscan dolphin, both of which are endangered species. The area also conserves guanacos, bush vegetation (such as jume, vidriera and palo azul) and coastal marine species such as razor clams, whiting, bottlenose dolphins, a non-breeding sea lion colony, and migratory coastal birds, including the Red Knot, the Hudsonian Godwit, the White-rumped sandpiper, and the Two-banded plover. There are important concentrations of southern flamingo.

Colonies and stopover sites

The following table presents the colonies or stopover sites of some emblematic species of birds and marine mammals present within the MPA boundaries.

Human Activities

  • Sport boat fishing
  • Sport coastal fishing
  • Artisanal subsistence fishing
  • Commercial artisanal fishing
  • Tourism
  • Sailing nautical sports
  • Nautical sports with motor boats
  • General navigation
  • Research

Conservation challenges for biodiversity

The main conservation challenges in the area are pollution from sewage and industrial effluents, and the expansion of the exotic Japanese oyster.


Management effectiveness and evaluation year

38 % – METT Evaluation (2014)

Sources of information consulted: Organismo Provincial para el Desarrollo Sustentable (OPDS). Government of the Province of Buenos Aires (
Expert review: Pablo Petracci (2021) – Researcher, Universidad Nacional del Sur
Bird and marine mammal colonies: See Bibliography